App Launch Marketing Plan

Mobile app demand is growing daily and millions of apps are available in market. People spend more time on their smartphones and keep using mobile apps. But it does not mean you can quickly launch your mobile app. you have to make it different from similar apps to avoid fierce competition. 

So what makes one app different from the other? Marketing is the core concept after development stage. You app need to contain all the required features to market it successfully. Add all the essentials that can attract your target audience. Most apps fail to get daily active users in first three months of launch. You must be more concerned about this and ready to reach your desired clients. 

If you are new to app launch and looking for ways to introduce it in the industry and make it proficient enough to get higher revenue, then you have come to the right place. This article will provide information on launching a mobile app and making it prominent. Let's get started. 

Make Sure the App is Well Tested and Functional 

It is a pre-launch stage of a mobile app where you must cross-check that it is well-tested and functioning correctly. In this step, set the ground for your app and make it ready to reach the target audience. Furthermore, you should prepare all the material to kick start your marketing process, like all the marketing material should follow a specific style and tone. You can choose banner ad designs and make some video ads to promote your app because people love watching visuals rather than reading test descriptions. 

Test of an app is essential before launching because if you face operational issues after launch, you might not stood up again. So you have to test your app on potential clients who can give you feedback, and you can improve the things that are not working well. So, try your app on real customers because they will provide accurate reviews. It will save your marketing effort, and you will know how users will perceive your app after launching it into the market. It will keep you away from any downfalls. Furthermore you can use these test users to be a part of your marketing plan and promote your app. 

Focus on ASO 

App Store Optimization should be your priority in your marketing plan. ASO means you need to rank your app higher in search on Google play store or other app stores. More than 60% apps are available on app store by writing their name. And when you rank your app higher for one, you can see it on top for months ahead. The higher rank app on the store means there is more possibility for the potential clients to reach it. In this way, your app will get higher downloads, which is an excellent success for you, and you can have your app noticed by the editors. 

To optimize your app on ASO, you need to give it a name with a good title and choose the right keywords in app description to target your prospects. Make a list of the benefits and features of the app. It will make your app interesting for the customers, and they want to look into the app to explore more. 

Ensure to include the keywords in app title to make it noticed for the long term. Moreover, localize your app to get reviews from those who love your app. post screenshots of the thoughts of happy customers to encourage more leads towards it because most users check ratings and reviews before downloading an app. Adding a video can also be very useful in convincing customers to download your app. But one most important things before launching your app on any app store is to follow the rules and guidelines of the store. 

Get Good Reviews on Playstore/Appstore 

As I told you in the previous section, reviews play an essential role in capturing the audience. You can ask about the likes and dislikes of the app. With this practice, you can know what part of your app is pleasing your existing customers and what improvements you should make to get more dominance. This way, you will understand your position in the market and make your customers loyal to the brand by giving value to their feedback and reviews. 

You can ask for reviews from clients who are using your app constantly. But it would help if you made a plan for when to ask them for a review. Refrain from frustrating users by continually asking them for reviews because it might lead to uninstalling your app and installing others. So if you follow a strategic approach to pop up the notification in user's window, it will be easy to get smooth reviews. Be sure to leave it to users whether to leave a review or not. 

Another way to get reviews is by rewarding your customers with points or giveaways. You can offer your app accessible to some clients and ask them to give good reviews. The incentives are favorite of all people that are why they will get ready to provide reviews. Good reviews will improve your ranking on app store in search results and get more clients' attention. 

Focus on App Engagement 

App engagement is counted in the user retention stage. It might be easy to capture new clients but keeping them with you is a more hectic stage. You have to make efforts to retain your customers for long term. You will only grow your business when you get users on your app but are using it. So you must take actions to retain your new and existing clients for a long time. You can keep a customer by following:

  • Your app should meet all the requirements of clients. Clients who are happy with your app will be more likely to use it. So use your app to communicate with customers, like a warning of app issues, updates, and others. If your app involves any payments, you can notify them about payment due or package expiry. In this way, you can see whether a customer is still using your app. sometimes, all the info is only essential for some users so that you can make different groups of clients according to their interests and then can send only those messages that are meant for a particular group. 

  • You can offer some incentives and contributions to your clients to keep them with your app for a long time. Give some coupons, access to some content freely, and other special promotions. It will drive traffic to your app and show a high retention rate. 

  • Go with influencer marketing, as people love to use apps that their favorite celebrities use. 

Google Universal Ads for Downloads

Most of the time, people download an app using Google services. So it is good to utilize this platform in your marketing plan, and it is a universal tactic to reach wider audience. Google uses Google AdWords to rank your app on search engines. You can use the pay-per-click method to advertise your app on this forum with relevant keywords to reach target audience. It will get more conversions for the app. 

Google can show you magical results in ranking your app, and you can get long-term benefits like strong link establishment, reviews, ratings, desired traffic, and app exposure to a large market. 

Create Buzz on Social Media 

Yes! You heard right. You can use social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to market your app. on these channels, you can prepare the mind of people that an exciting app is in the pipeline and they will soon get it in their mobile phones. It is the place that is still under underuse even with its high popularity and most used forum in marketing by most businesses. You can make landing pages on different channels before launching your app in market. Keep sharing updates on these pages to get reviews on additional features. 

It is a great way to communicate with potential clients who are actual users so that they can give you objective feedback on app features. You can bond strongly with them by providing value to their ideas and opinions. Moreover, you can also ask them to use a promo code to promote your app, where they will get rewards on each promotion. So it will be a cross-promotion. 

Advertisements on social media will also boost the installation of the app. make a simple banner with a download link to install the app on mobiles quickly. Keep sharing further updates about the app even if it has yet to be launched because you have to keep your customer engaged. You can repost a picture or a video with new messages each time to reach 80n percent of your target audience. 

Facebook and Twitter have millions of users, including businesses and individuals. It would help if you connected with people and joined social media groups sharing the same market. You can ask the admins of more prominent groups to promote your app in their groups on some paid promotion or for each new app download. Include the links to connect with Twitter or Facebook through the app and connect with a friend. 

Do PR campaigns 

You should include a PR campaign in your marketing plan where you inform people about your app, updates the brand, get access to a larger audience, and improve brand reputation. It would help if you made your app unique; it can stand out from others. 

You can plan all the activities to fulfill objectives strategically and gain highlights. Like, set the aim to reach investors, select a communication platform like a press release to tell about the launch date or some social media drives to spread awareness about the app. it will all end up with a large number of conversions on your mobile. 

Partner with Influencers 

Influencers can significantly impact the retention of existing clients and make new clients lifelong. To launch your app successfully and make your marketing plan worthwhile, you should partner with the people who can influence your app's reputation and build a strong and identifying relationship with them. They will promote your app on your behalf, and you can see increased brand revenue. 

First, you should look for those with the same target audience and geographic area. You can also look data of influencers on follower demographics. Choose those you think are perfect in your mobile app marketing picture. The influencers will tell their followers to install your app, and it is a fact that these installs will go on for a long. If you have the budget, you can hire different influencers to target other groups of the target audience. It will earn value for your app. pay some of the percentage to influencers on each installation. 

Another way of influencer marketing is to join hands with top bloggers who can write blogs on your app description and post it on the app site and other social media platforms. It will get a massive amount of installs which means higher sales. So check for the relevant influencers for your app and engage them in your app promotion to start getting traffic toward your mobile app. 

Leverage Retargeting ads 

Sometimes a user might leave your website or social media page without completing a download or action. In this condition, you can retarget these visitors as they might be your potential clients. The web browsers store this data for you and then you can reach this potential by popup notifications on your mobile screen or running ads while using your favorite apps. In this way, you can make them accurate conversions for the brand. 

Keep Improving the App and Provide Better Experience

When you make an app, you should be ready to receive emails, messages, and other social connections. You have to be prepared to address their issue while using your app. with a quick solution to their problems, you will be able to give them excellent experience. One more important fact for app developers is that your clients want a perfect and updated product. Make sure to update your app regularly, fix the bugs, introduce new features and give better services. It will help keep customers long time with your app. 

Final Words

Marketing an app does not require breaking the bank. But you must continuously promote your app and make it the best in this world of huge competition. Through this guide, you can get success in launching your app successfully.

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